Alexandra Dillon

“Personal Artifacts”

Dates: January 19th – 23rd, 2022

Location: LA Convention Center, South Hall, booth #1216

Fair Website:

About Personal Artifacts

In collaboration with the LA Art Show, we will be hosting a featured installation, “Personal Artifacts” created by artist Alexandra Dillon. In this project, Alexandra Dillon explores character, personality and emotion by painting imagined portraits on used tools and other implements – recycled from swap meets and flea markets.  Tools such as axes and cleavers, hint at hidden and repressed feelings of rage and revenge, while her tiny lock and key sculptures offer hope that each of us can find the solution to our personal struggles. Her old master style faces on coal shovels, cleverly employ the ruffled base as an Elizabethan collar, and circular saw blades carry similar faces of strong women – badass babes whose time has come. Her installation piece “Mood Swings” is a kinetic sculpture on two large shovels that are balanced on a mount that allows the viewer to manually move them revealing a face that changes from a smile to a frown as it swings on its axis.