Fermata  1. a pause of unspecified length on a note or rest.

A group show curated by Sung-Hee Son

In-Person Exhibition Dates: December 31st, 2021 – January 4th, 2022

Online Exhibition Dates: January 5th – March 5th, 2022

Opening Reception: January 2nd, 5:30 – 7pm.

RhythmTrance Performance: January 2nd, 7 – 8pm.

Art depicted above from left to right: Boy With His Dog by Wanda Decca, Big Wave by Mike Saijo and Escape Into Quinacridone by Barbara Kolo

Borrowed from the musical world, “Fermata” is an Italian word meaning to stay or stop. The symbol looks like a birdseye or cyclops eye and is an indicator to prolong or sustain a note or rest. This emphasis often marks the end of a phrase or passage, before the beginning of the next. 

And so we invite you to a Fermata in time and space, at the relative end of one year 2021 and the start of another 2022. To pause and enjoy the art of six very distinct contemporary artists; Tatiana Botton, Wanda Decca, Tara de la Garza, Serge Hamad, Barbara Kolo and Mike Saijo. Each working in different mediums and visual styles while exploring and conveying concepts related to nature, the human condition and abstractions from the mind and spirit. 


Tatiana Botton | landscape photography

Wanda Decca | expressionist oil paintings

Tara de la Garza | mixed media

Serge Hamad | digital mixed media

Barbara Kolo | minimalist paintings

Mike Saijo | mixed media

Join us Sunday January 2 from 5:30 to 7:00pm for an in-person reception to experience the art, followed by a very special RhythmTrance performance by Greg Ellis

In-person hours: 

December 31 & Jan 1, 12:00 – 5:00pm

Jan 2, 5:30 – 7:00pm Reception

Jan 3, by appointment

Jan 4, 12:00 – 5:00pm

Reception is free and open to the public. Performance is ticketed.

Sliding scale donations for admissions are available – inquire to bggallery@bgartdealings.com

Masks are required inside the gallery. Vaccine or negative test are requested.

If safety conditions for covid change we will respond and modify or reschedule the event in a responsible manner.