We hope you can join us this Saturday (September 17) from 6-10 pm for the opening reception of Impromptu!

Artists: Pete Jackson, Gay Summer Rick, Airom, Michael Chearney, Nancy Larrew, Robert Sean Coons, Carol Powell, Tooter, Douglas Alvarez, Lilli Muller, Melissa Meier, Artboy, Stephen Anderson, Alisa Gabrielle, Kathy Ikerd, Terri Berman, Alex Schaefer, others to be announced.

Opening Reception: Saturday 17th, 6-10pm
Show Duration: September 15th through September 21st

Location: BG Gallery (Bleicher/Golightly),
1431 Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90401
Hours: Sunday-Wednesday 12-6pm Thursday-Saturday 12-11pm, +1 310-878-2784

Press Contact:
Om Bleicher: om@caporalegallery.com +1 (310) 237 6423

Bleicher/Golightly Gallery presents ‘Impromptu’. Celebrating spontaneity and off the cuff thinking, this exhibit was conceived, curated, installed, and promoted in under a week. Artists and curators were asked to bring in work in response to the prompt: ‘Impromptu’.