Featuring special guests Melissa Meier and Carina Shoshtary
Join curator Kate Stern as she visits with her “Art Crushes” and their Art Crushes. An “Art Crush” is an artist whose artwork makes you swoon, captures your heart, leaves you in awe, makes you giddy and sends you right over the moon! Meet Kate’s art crushes and in turn, their art crushes while we engage in some great art viewing & conversation!
This premiering event features artist Melissa Meier (Kate’s crush) and artist Carina Shoshtary, (Melissa’s crush). Carina and also the creator of the wildly popular Fashion For Bank Robbers.
Join us for this Zoom digital event, Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 at 1:00PM (PST) via zoom. RSVP for the zoom code here: https://artcrush.gr8.com/