As part of the current Island Girls exhibit, Jocelyn Wright and Kristine Schomaker present an engaging afternoon of multidisciplinary performance.

Kristine Schomaker blurs the lines between the virtual and physical worlds using interactive, immersive performance environment. Kristine is bringing the closing reception of her Second Life virtual art installation BLOOM to bG Gallery on Sunday June 28th. By projecting the 3D online virtual world of Second Life, the physical audience will interact with Avatars from all over the world.

Jocelyn Wright’s performances are an engaging mix of poetry, prose, and theater. Having completed seven years on The Closer as the executive drama supervisor, Jocelyn is thrilled to be done with murder and onto poetry. Her poetry and short stories have been published in several anthologies, featured on radio, and documentary.

Performance: Sunday June 28th 3-5pm

Location: bG Gallery at Bergamot Station 2525, Michigan Avenue, Space G8A, Santa Monica, CA 90404.

Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11:30am-6pm. Sunday 1-5pm

T: 310-906-4211 E-mail:



Show run: through July 2nd

Curators: Shaye Nelson and Nancy Larrew

Artists: Wangechi Mutu, Sue Wong, Madam X, Cathy Weiss, Linda Vallejo, Kristine Schomaker, Megan Whitmarsh,  Sarah Stieber, Linda Smith, Erin Reiter, Courtney Reid, Gay Summer Rick, Allie Pohl, Trinity Martin, Nancy Larrew, Michelle Lilly, Mia Loucks, Kate Jackson, Brenda Jamrus, Simone Gad, Carol Friedman, MK Decca, Wini Brewer, Terri Berman, Nora Berman, Sofia Arreguin.

Historically, artists have relieved long hours of isolation in the company of their peers. The Ashcan School, the School of Paris and New York’s mass of Post-War Abstract Expressionists are all examples of such camaraderie. But few, if any, women artists are found in the photos, records and collections relating to these movements.

Excluded from the society of their male counterparts, women artists can find their work dismissed as an avocation, a hobby, a squandering of time. Marriage, motherhood and society’s expectations might exhaust creative energy or worse, stifle it. Just like other working women, female artists can feel compelled to choose between family and career.

No matter what path the female artist chooses, when she ventures out of the confinement of her studio to artists’ gatherings, galleries and museums, she will frequently find herself alone in a sea of men.

The works these women create suggest a range of emotions in response to their position: anger, contentment, defiance, detached amusement and quiet introspection.  Every work a message in a bottle from an Island Girl.